Ham and Eggs is an animated cartoon produced by Walter Lantz, and as part of the Oswald the Lucky Rabbit series. It is the 72nd Oswald short by Lantz and the 124th in the entire series. ==Plot== At a bistro, Oswald works as the chef while the girl beagle serves as the waitress. Their first patron is a tall terrier who comes in for spaghetti. After finishing his meal, he slowly walks toward the cash register, pretending he would pay his bill. The tall terrier discloses that he has nothing to pay as he quickly exits the door and gives the bistro operators a raspberry. Nevertheless, Oswald and the girl beagle just laugh, knowing they can prevent other customers from running off. Coming in next is the boy beagle with an appetite for pancakes. As he receives his order and tries to take a nibble, the boy beagle finds the pancakes rock solid and therefore too hard to chew on, much to his disgust. He then starts tossing them around, prompting Oswald to tell him that such actions come at a price. Refusing to give a cent, the boy beagle heads toward the door. Before he could do so, however, he is nabbed by the robotic cash register that shakes off every single coin he has. The third customer is a big bear who orders a ham sandwich. While Oswald is in the kitchen, the bear starts flirting the girl beagle, and Oswald is aware of it. Irritated by that, Oswald saws out of two square wooden boards and glues them in between. The bear then receives and takes a bite of the false sandwich, thus resulting in cracked and chipped teeth. Provoked, the bear goes into a frenzy. Oswald, however, is able to evade and fend off the bear's aggression. Upon bringing their unruly client down, Oswald the girl beagle put corn kernels plus a lighted oil lamp in the bear's trousers. The corn starts popping inside and the bear runs away hysterically. The cartoon concludes with Oswald singing in baritone next to his colleague which he also did in the beginning. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Ham and Eggs」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク